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3Dsia Compound List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- APList (The Information List for Authentication Plugins)
- AuthenticationPlugin (The PluginHeader for Authentication Plugins)
- Buffer (The Buffer System Class)
- CCTArgs (The arguments for the ClientControl Thread)
- color (The definition of the color)
- ComArgs (Arguments for the Communication Threads)
- Config (The configuration Class Class for managing simple configuration files)
- ConfigFrontEndPlugIn (The Plugin to configure the client)
- coreClass (The Core Class The Core Class manages various jobs like connecting to the server and authentication)
- CTArgs (The arguments for the client Thread (OBSOLETE))
- DatabaseAccess (The Database Access Class It is the only way to access the Matrix which is controlled by the MatrixThread. Requests to the MatrixThread are sent using the normal Buffer system)
- DevicePlugIn (The Information returned by the plugin)
- Devices (The Device Handler Manages the devices)
- DOSFrontEnd (Frontend for dos)
- FEPList (The Information List for all FrontEnd Plugins)
- FETArgs (The Arguments for the FrontEndThread)
- FrontEnd (The Frontend Class)
- FrontEndPlugin (The PluginHeader for FrontEndPlugins)
- FrontUpdate (QT Frontend (Update))
- hullInfo (The basic info of the Hull of an avatar this is used for bouding boxes collision detection)
- KDEFrontEnd (Frontend for KDE)
- MacOSFrontEnd (MacOS frontend)
- MMatrix (The (Mathematical) Matrix Class)
- MyMainWidget (Widget for KDE frontend)
- NCursesFrontEnd (Frontend using NCurses)
- Network (The Network Class Class for network functions)
- Object (The definition of an object (display) The definition of an object used for visualization)
- OS2FrontEnd (OS2 Frontend)
- packet (The Packet)
- packet_header (The Packet Header)
- PlugInFrontEnd (Plugable frontend)
- poly (The definition of a polygon The polygon used by the 3Dsia binary parser)
- Position (Position (X,Y,Z) (shall become OBSOLETE!))
- QObject (Qt-object)
- qtFront (QT Frontend)
- qtFrontData (QT Frontend Data)
- QtFrontEnd (QT Frontend)
- QuartzClass (The Quartz Class The Quartzclass is to send requests into a specific buffer with a specific frequency. It is the heartbeat of the client)
- QWidget (No description available)
- rawObject (The definition of an object (parser) The definition of an object _exclusivley_ used by the 3Dsia binary parser)
- TextOnlyFrontEnd (Textonly Frontend)
- ThreadArgs (Arguments passed to a thread)
- Vector (Vector Operations)
- vertex (The definition of a vertex a vertex)
- WindowsFrontEnd (Windows Frontend)
Generated at Sat May 13 13:50:24 2000 for 3Dsia by
1.1.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000