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Page by:
   Alexander Feder
   Gerald Scheidl

The "request for proposal" will be our primary development documentation, refered to as "techdox".

These techdox are just a proposal, a working draft and will be extended over the time and grow in detail. We suggest to download it as a whole (but you can also read it online). Sections, details, pictures, and everything else as contribution is welcome. We will also try to compile an essence of the mailinglist into this.
Check this section frequently.


Here is a simple outline of the basics and features of this project.

  • Based on Linux, X11R6 and OpenGL

  • Server/Client Application
    A lot like the X11 system with the difference that the client will be headed on a X11R6 system and the server will not need anything aside a common Linux system.

  • Local/LAN/WAN connectivity
    The client may work as well over the internet or LAN as locally on the same machine as the server.

  • Directory oriented
    Every directory is beeing viewed as a seperate space. With design the directory may be folded within directories but with the basic template they are simply somehow linked spaces with interconnective gates.

  • Designed environment possible
    There are two directions to go: Firstly the environment should be designed within 3Dsia dynamically ("a wall from here to here and let it be that high"). Secondly, we want to import objects from external programs.

  • Communication script
    The client/server communication will be based on an assembler-like script which is possible to interpreted by a very simple stack-machine with a minimum of computation necessary. We will not waste cycles on it. This script will be dynamically generated by the server and transmitted to the client in a binary packaged form. The client and server also has to share a symbol-space which is connected to the script. The result of this technique is a simple way of transmitting OpenGL-Commands.
  • Server scripts
    Actually we are not sure if we will make a own scripting language for server commandment or utilize Perl for this.

  • User rendering
    Users will be displayed as Persons and will make personal contacts with each others. Users will interact by chat or voice connections.

  • Collision detection
    We will use a simple and elegant concept for this. Every user will have it's actual matrix which is a grid where the objects are freely placed onto. This grid is a pointer-array to object list and will enable us to make collision detections and volume clipping very fast without checking every single object.

  • Applications
    Applications will be one of several styles:
    1. Shell commands
      will be wrapped within standard icons. Every shell command will get a small config file which will describe a lot of options and some help texts. This will be everything neccessary to render the shell command in a proper way. (Sure - they may be piped!)
    2. X11 applications
      Will be mapped onto polygons. If selected you can interact with them like always.
    3. 3Dsia applications
      Will render themself. You can write e.g a skyglobe program which generates you a time-dependend view of the sky, as well as a postman which hands your avatar a letter as the newest biff clone.


    This section will describe our actual position. Steps already achieved will be in larger fonts, the smaller lines are the next steps to take.

    • Beer and pizza phase
    • Prototype as design study
    • Request for proposal
    • Going online

    • Limited server skeleton (ACTUAL WORK STAGE)

    • Client prototype
    • Server prototype
    • First release Version 0.1.0
    • Refining and advancing
    • Alpha
    • Beta
    • Release 1.0


    The first revision of 3Dsia will be limited to the visualization of one machine at a time. We know this is some way to go.

    The next step (and we want to take this one early) is to generate a information daemon which is able to provide the outline of a whole LAN, where you can fluently step outside of your machine (with designed icon) into the larger cyberspace. This concept will be scalable (like nameservers) that it will be divide the whole internet into sections which will be linked to the physical architecture of the internet. Closer systems, faster connection.